Thursday, November 12, 2009

Helping Those in Need

From The Pilot: November 6, 2009

I so disagree when Bill Schwenk says, "Health care is an individual responsibility for those who are capable of taking care of themselves. It is not a right to be paid for by other people who do take their health care responsibility" (Nov. 1).
I might remind you that we are our brother's keeper. How do you explain your attitude to someone who could no longer work due to cancer, lost their insurance, could not pay and would not have been accepted for new insurance? Too bad you're sick. I guess although the medical world could have saved you, your poor planning has put you in a situation where you have no other option than to die.
And what do you say to parents who have depleted their savings: Mom cares for the premature infant and Dad works, but they have exceeded their catastrophic cap? They can have other kids, so why worry about this one?
Is that responsible enough for you? I'm not the least bit happy that I may be taxed to help pay for someone else's health care, but I will be able to put my head on my pillow at night knowing I was able to help someone out of an intolerable situation.
The question should be, how can "we" be so selfish as to wallow in the self-assurance our health-care plan gives us while there are many forced to live every single day, by no fault of their own, not knowing how or if they will be able to see a doctor, much less participate in a life-saving procedure? Sunny Sidley

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