Friday, October 23, 2009

Freedom of Choice

 From The Pilot: October 11, 2009

Allan Jefferys worries over the loss of our freedom of choice in his Sept. 9 column in The Pilot. In typical far-right language, he preys on the fears of that portion of the populace who rely on others to do their thinking for them.
I found it amusing that he manages to contradict himself in every other paragraph. He rants on about keeping our freedom of choice, then goes on to tell us that your freedom of choice must be limited to only certain things.
No way we can choose to pursue any "radical ideas." Just come up with an idea and the right will tell you if it's radical or not. All those not agreeing with their views are "ignoring the Constitution" and trampling on the Bill of Rights. On this point, I'll have to say that the Republican Party has some experience, given the last eight years of its administration.
One of the most laughable comments was about marriage, where Jefferys stated that you don't want to lose your choice to "marry above your station or below it or even choose your own gender." Gee, I guess I forgot the folks on the right were in favor of gay marriage and were doing everything in their power to see that you have that choice.

Even the Dusty Rhoades column that appeared on the same page offered irony on the subject. Rhoades discussed how the U.S. Congress phone service was attempting to allow each member of Congress to choose their own music selections while callers were on hold. The right-wingers exploded in outrage and accused Nancy Pelosi of hating patriotic music, which is what is now played as on-hold music. So much for having that choice, which Jefferys felt so strongly about.
Jim Russell

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