Friday, October 23, 2009

The Real Liars

From The Pilot: October 23, 2009

In his Oct. 7 letter, Jack Olsen laments what our society has become because Americans "tolerate and applaud" and "raise up" liars.
He says that supporters of liars exhibit "shoddiness in [a] philosophy," which "doesn't hold water." Finally, he postulates that those who "scorn the truth tellers" have "neither the respect nor the trust of others" and will be "unable to govern." In short, people who ignore facts and raise up liars while spreading their lies, then condemn the truthful, cannot be respected.
What prompted Olsen's ire was President Obama's remark that the health-care reform bill would not cover illegal aliens. Olsen supported Rep. Wilson (R-S.C.), who called our president a liar. If Olsen wants to condemn such people, he had better check his facts.
The truth is, the health-care reform bill does not include coverage for illegals. In fact, it forbids payments to cover their medical bills. Go to, a nonpartisan group, part of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania. (The Annenbergs are not millionaire liberals like George Soros. Indeed, they were close personal friends of President and Nancy Reagan.)

Conversely, Olsen "raises up" Wilson (the true liar in this story) and promotes and repeats his lies. Therefore, Olsen and his Republican heroes are the ones to be scorned and mistrusted. If Olsen's premise is accurate, the Republican "philosophy" "won't hold water," and the GOP will be "unable to govern." Look at eight years under the Bush administration. I rest my case. My thanks to Olsen for making the Democratic case for good governance and health-care reform and against Republicans.
Rick Gagliardo

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