Thursday, October 29, 2009

Smith for Council

From The Pilot: October 28, 2009

Last November, when the huge election had folks lined up for quite a bit, I was standing in line to vote and a gentleman walked by and asked for votes.
I asked if he was endorsed by The Pilot, and he said that his opponent was. I assured him that I would vote for him since I was voting against The Pilot's endorsed candidates.
People around us applauded and several thought that was an excellent idea.
I urge folks who like Southern Pines as it is and has been to vote for Marsh Smith and David Woodruff, as they are for a clean and uncluttered town. I have known Marsh Smith for 30 years and admire his principles and his stance against the good old boys who would mess up our gracious and spacious town and county.
George McManus
Southern Pines

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